Tag Archives: updates

Half Marathon Training: week 8 recap

26 Sep

This was my second-to-last week of half marathon training!  If you read last week’s post, you know that I hit quite the training “hiccup” with some pretty significant swelling in my ankle and left calf.  Wear heels for two nights and pay the price tenfold! At the end of last week, I was still unsure as to whether or not I’d be able to run the race; it was touch and go for a few days.  I prayed more during that week than I have in a long time.  Someone must be listening to me “Upstairs” because my ankle has been responding very well to massage on a frequent basis.  I have been thanking my lucky stars that I have a friend who is a fantastic massage therapist; she’s been a lifesaver throughout this process.  This week I was more vigilant with my pre/post workout stuff than ever.  I made absolutely certain to ice and elevate my ankle after EVERY run/cross training workout, as well as before going to sleep.  I took ibuprofen when needed and spent every waking moment in sneakers.  I cared not one bit when I was the only girl in sneakers at Ned Devine’s on Saturday night.  I took every single precaution I could to keep the “egg” of inflammation far, far away!


half marathon

My training schedule this week was amended to give my ankle some extra rest: subbed out one run for 1hr 45 mins of Spinning, and subbed out another for 1hr on the ARC trainer.  I did my last long run yesterday (Sunday) and it was a very tolerable 8 miles.  The nerves started kicking in once I realized that it would be the longest run I’d do until the race.  I know that I’ll be able to complete 13.1 miles but I want to do it to the BEST of my ability.   I am trying to balance out the desire to run like the wind with the reality that I have an injury that requires me to be wise about my pace.  I know that this upcoming week will be a taper week for my body but that I’ll ramp up the intensity of training my “mental muscle”.  I plan on taking time to make a motivating playlist and surround myself with positive thoughts/quotes/images.